November Newsletter

Happy November!

The Bone & Body Women’s Health staff has grown to include our medical assistant, Karen Villanueva. Karen joins with 31 years of experience in gynecology, rheumatology and internal medicine clinics. She is personable, knowledgeable and a skilled phlebotomist.

We continue to grow our Bone & Body Women’s Health Membership; and are excited to be hosting our first member event on Thursday, November 16th, entitled “Everything You Should Know About Your Pelvic Floor That No One Told You” with Laure Valentine, a highly respected pelvic floor physical therapist.

If you are a member, please remember to RSVP and join us for lively learning, conversation and light bites at our office.

Dr. DeSapri in the Media

The Meno-channel, interviews experts on hot (pun intended!) menopause topics. Be sure to check out the recorded program!

Learn how to train, eat, recover, and thrive in perimenopause and beyond. With 20+ internationally renowned experts, exercise physiologists, sport cardiologists, double-board certified medical doctors and nutritionists you will learn from mindfulness experts and coaches who translate the latest science in mental and physical resilience and female physiology for you, so you can unlock your best performances in sport and in life. This is your starting line.

Sign up and register here. For a cliff notes version of my virtual lecture; you can watch the Facebook live with a few experts!

Midlife Must – Knows!

Each month I will be sharing research that impacts midlife women that is note-worthy and evidence- based that makes a difference in your lives and informs how I treat patients.

  • What We Know: Women’s brains change during the menopause transition. Estrogen regulates the brain’s energy level and neural connections. Research (from experts like Dr. Lisa Mosconi) links gender specific differences and estrogen deficiency to increasing risk of Alzheimers and other dementias in women.
  • New Research: Certain proteins and bio-markers such as beta-amyloid plaques are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. In recent studies, women with night sweats had higher levels of beta- amyloid build up.
  • How This Applies to Me: This does not mean if you have hot flashes you are destined for dementia! However, we’ve known for a long time in the menopause world that night sweats cause sleep disruption (3 AM wake ups and soaked sheets), contribute to memory and cognitive tasks (word finding difficulty, decrease mental acuity at work and on Wordle!), and even cardiovascular (heart) related events such as chronic inflammation and elevated blood pressure.
  • Take Home: Suffering with night sweats is bad for your brain and heart. 80% of women have hot flashes and sleep disruption in perimenopause and menopause. There are plenty of treatments for sleep disruption and night sweats. We have these discussions every day. Individualizing care is what sets care at Bone and Body Women’s Health apart. Life’s too short not to sleep well.

Lastly, as Thanksgiving rolls around, many of us share our gratitude. Among all my blessings, I am thankful for my patients who have continued with trust in my medical practice; the courage, patience and team required to create a practice where women can be educated and empowered through perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

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