Bone & Body Women’s Health Office Location

Our office is conveniently located in Chicago’s North Shore with accessible street parking and just steps from the Winnetka Metra station.

570 Lincoln Avenue,
Suite 4 Lower Level, Winnetka, IL 60093

There is convenient street parking on Lincoln Avenue and in the Village parking lot behind the Winnetka Galleria. There is elevator access from the lobby and wheelchair access from the rear entrance of the Winnetka Galleria.

A private women’s restroom is located directly adjacent to the office and on the main floor of the Winnetka Galleria.

Do you offer telehealth if I live outside of Illinois?
Yes, we offer a telehealth (via video or phone) consultations for both bone health and midlife (permenopause or menopause) medical services.

office photo - lobby
office photo 2
office photo - machine for bone health


Bone & Body Women's Health is proudly certified as a Menopause Society Practitioner as well as board certified with The American Board of Internal Medicine

Menopause Society Certified Practitioner - 2024
American Board of Internal Medicine - Board Certified

Schedule A Complimentary Meet & Greet with Dr. DeSapri

Becoming a new patient is as easy as 1-2-3

1. Schedule A Call

A complimentary meet and greet virtual session where you will speak directly with Dr. DeSapri to assess your goals.

2. Complete Registration Materials

After your meeting with the doctor to assess your goals and fit for the practice, you will be able to register to become a member through our member portal.

3. Book An Appointment

Upon completing the registration steps you will be able to schedule your first appointment in our office or via telehealth.