October Newsletter

As a bone health specialist, I love October for the skeletons! (and if I’m being honest the Reese’s pieces too!) 

Those spooky skeletons we see on Halloween represent the bones that give us mobility, protect our vital organs and contain a reservoir of essential proteins and minerals.  

But what’s really scary? Hip fracture rates. For women over age 65 who sustain a hip fracture, 30% will die within 1 year. 20% lose independent or do not walk or live independently again. 

This does NOT have to be you, your mother, your grandmother, your sister, your daughter or your friend.

What’s not scary? DXA scans at Bone & Body Women’s Health. 

There is no long wait time, no wondering about results and next steps. DXA’s are performed, interpreted and shared with you that day. Convenient and thorough to prioritize your bone health. 

Routine screening with DXA scans and a fracture risk assessment proactively measures bone mineral density and strength. Beyond the bones, a DXA we can measure amount of lean body mass versus fat mass which gives us a snapshot of your body composition to help guide your exercise goals and even determines cardiovascular risk. 

Awareness & Education 

Many upcoming opportunities to become savvy about your skeleton… check out the line-up: 

If you’re curious about how to prevent bone loss at menopause: 

Please join me on the Meno-channel for a free lecture on Tuesday November 7t ah at 6:30 pm CST Menopause and Bone Health: What you need to know today to prevent bone loss tomorrow.” 

You must register in advance for this virtual event. 

If you’re curious about how to exercise safely with osteoporosis: 

Join me and Angela Pennisi from Physio Partners at an “Instagram Live” event Tuesday October 17th at Noon CST. Please call our office manager, Susan Rivera, if you want to join but need more information on how to join this virtual event.  

In case you missed it, the latest scientific news is that #womenarenotsmallmen! Now what? 

If you’re an athlete or coach athletes who are 35+, if you deliberately put exercise into your day, if you want to show up fully in life and in sport, then I have good news… 

My friend and expert Integrated Health and Sport Performance Coach Tenille Hoogland shares interviews of 20+ internationally renowned experts. Exercise physiologists, sport cardiologists, Double-board certified medical doctors and nutritionists specialized in perimenopause and beyond!. You will learn from mindfulness experts and coaches who translate the latest science in mental and physical resilience and female physiology for you, so you can unlock your best performances in sport and in life. 

There are also amazing give-aways from the speakers! From guide books, one-to-one connection calls and exercise guides that will help you to move freely and powerfully! And you only get these resources by signing up!

Hormones change as we age, and the way we exercise, eat and recover has to change, too.

This is your start line. Sign up and register now.

Where to learn more? How to become a patient of Bone & Body Women’s Health?

Please check out our website for descriptions and benefits of our Membership Plan or Bone Health Consult. We look forward to welcoming you. Your bones will thank you!

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